Acrylic Awards
Photo Gallery
A variety of stock awards are shown on our website including original acrylic designs as well as other popular designs.
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What Are The Differences Between Acrylic and Crystal Awards?
• Lighter weight compared to crystal so it costs less to ship
• Less chance of chipping or breaking with acrylic awards
• Both acrylic and crystal awards have a clear appearance
• Acrylic is molded and there are many shapes available
• Facets are molded into acrylic; while facets are cut into crystal
• Acrylic is a softer material and can scratch easier than crystal
• Budget friendly — generally speaking, acrylic awards cost less than crystal awards
How Are Acrylic Awards Decorated and Personalized?

Laser Engraving
Laser engraving creates a frosted appearance on acrylic. Intricate designs can be created using laser engraving.
Laser engraving uses a laser to remove materials from the surface. A computer controls the speed and level of power to remove the material without burning it.
Digital Full Color Imprint
Full color photographic quality images can be imprinted onto the smooth flat surface of acrylic using UV inks and a UV light to cure the ink.
It is easy to change the images or text (recipient name, award name, etc.) for each award since the variable data artwork is used in production.